Lajthiza® Water is Natural Mineral Water.

Lajthiza® water springs from Roshi mountain in Lajthiza of Puka, which is located in an area completely surrounded by mountains where their height reaches 1600m above sea level. Naturally filtered by magmatic rocks.
This water is different from other ones due to its distinct quality and special values that ”Lajthiza”® water structure really enjoys.

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Our Products

Lajthiza® 0.5L

Lajthiza® 1.5L

Lajthiza® 2L

Lajthiza® 2.5L

Lajthiza® 5L

Lajthiza® 19 L (5 Gallons)

Lajthiza® Glass 0.25L

Lajthiza® Glass 0.75L Lajthiza® Qelq natyral

Lajthiza® Glass Sparkling Water 0.75L

Lajthiza® Glass Mineral Natural Water 0.33L

Lajthiza® Glass Sparkling Water 0.5L

Lajthiza® Glass Sparkling Water 0.33L

Lajthiza® Tetrapak baby

Lajthiza® Tetrapak 1L

Lajthiza® Tetrapak 0.7L

Lajthiza® Sparkling Water 0.5L

Lajthiza® Sparkling Water 1.5L

Lajthiza® Apple 0.33L

Lajthiza® Peach 0.33L

Lajthiza® Orange 0.33L

Lajthiza® Orange Aroma 0.5L

Lajthiza® Lemon Aroma 0.5L

Lajthiza® Apple Aroma 0.5L

Recommended for children

Lajthiza water is minerally light with a low content of calcium and magnesium salts, nitrates, fluoride and bacteriologically clean. For this type of very delicate consumer, Lajthiza has in recent years installed a Tetrapak packaging line (in cartons) where the filling on this line and with this packaging material is done in a hermetically sealed environment without any contact with air and light, a material that is 87% renewable, 100% recyclable and with caps made of sugar cane.

Environmental Protections with
all formats

Recycling of PET products , until 30% , by gathering it from customers and re-injection in PET Bottle.

Returnable product of 5 gallon Polycarbonate, by Zero pollution .

Returnable product in Glass packaging by Zero environment pollution.

Tetra Pak plant based packaging is , 81% renewable material and 18% reduced carbon foorprint “vs. standart TPA 1000 Sq”.

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New Product

Tetra Pack®

Lajthiza® Invest is the first manufacturing company to offer the market a plant-based carton packaging Tetra Pak®, for all consumers in the Balkans, Europe, and beyond.

Lajthiza® Premium Water is the first manufacturer to launch plant-based carton water for the Eastern European consumer.